Hi, I’m Fontayne

Founder and creator of A Sunflower Heart, LLC, a heart-centered practitioner, and a Certified Teacher of Mindfulness.

During a years-long battle with a debilitating illness, I found mindfulness and meditation as a way to commune with excruciating emotional and physical pain. Learning to observe my thoughts and feelings in the moment allowed me the space to focus on the present.

I credit this practice as a major reason I was able to heal and move into remission and feel called to share it with both young and old.

What are They Saying

  • “I want to thank you for your mindfulness videos. They are amazing! You have the most calming voice and way about you. My students love you and are glued to you each Monday! You are helping me too! I appreciate you!”

  • “Thank you, with all of my heart. This is just what we ALL need the most at this time. The world needs more Fontaynes!”

  • “Kudos to you for today's mindfulness video! Even my antsy students calmed down and got into it. You are a wonderful resource for us.”

Work With Me

As a certified mindfulness teacher, I would love to support you and your community.